(Aporia: Aporia) - dbfoundation collaboration
Aporia means roadblock. It is the logical conclusion that disproves its hypothesis. It is the idea collapsing under the weight of its own consequences. In a sense, it is a failure. It is also the moment that most starkly illuminates the true outline of the idea, hypothesis, or origin.
What would artists make if they were free to give in to ambition without constraint? — if they were not limited by material circumstances, nor by anxiety over their work’s reception, nor by their own faculties and resources? — if, in fact, they were imagining something that could never be realized in this world? This unique curatorial project will inspire our audiences to imagine the impossible with both seriousness and delight.
The exhibition is accompanied by a podcast audio tour and two publications. Download the audio guide podcast at dbfoundation. Be sure to bring your mp3 player. The dBfoundation invites you to remix the aporia audioguide.